Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Hello December!

Ok, so I realise that I am a little bit late on the old Advent front (well, only one day actually), but that is because I was planning to finish my advent calendar last night and then R and my sister persuaded me to go for Vietnamese food and then to see Spectre instead, and I was easily swayed. I must say I do not regret my decision at all as both were totes amazing, but it does mean that I have spent yesterday evening hurriedly finishing off! 

Last year I sewed chocolates into vintage wallpaper parcels and hung them from the wall (see post here) but this year I wanted to make something that we could potentially use again and again. I thought I would try a sort of hanging pouch/parcel twig thingy using some twigs that I collected from Mountsfield park and lovingly placed in a big green bottle (as you do) - see below. 

I had to take these photos in the evening when natural light was a distant memory so they are dark and shadowy, but you get the idea. 

I sewed some very simple bags from some old curtain fabric I had stashed away and then I got a' stamping using these rather festive stamps from east of india and some fabric ink. I used Christmas tree, fir branch and polar bear. 

In an ideal world I would have stamped the fabric and then made the bags afterwards but I didn't make up my mind about how I was going to decorate the fabric until the last minute so I had to improvise. I don't think it made much difference actually. 

The stamping was quite time consuming but luckily I had a little furry helper (actually more of a hindrance, but don't tell him that).

I let them dry and then flipped them over and printed the other side. I then ironed them to set the ink. 

For my numbers I bought some mini luggage tags to attach to the pouches. 

Always good to have a cup of rose tea handy when you're mid-Advent-calendar-ing. 

And after that, all there was left to do was stuff with choccies (I went for Roses, because I believe they are king of chocolates) and hang on the branches. 

I got my sister and R involved in the sweetie-stuffing as it was quite arduous work and we had to keep stopping to test the Roses (purely for quality checking purposes you understand).

 Ta da!!

Happy beginning of Christmas everyone! xx

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