Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Some moments recently

So after about 5 years of resisting, I have finally succumbed to the power of the iphone (yes, I am completely in love) and, as a result, have lots more everyday photos rather than photos of trips or projects where I would normally take along our SLR. I love looking through these and thought I would share a few of them in one place. I thought I might start doing this regularly at the end of each month. That would be a nice idea, wouldn't it? Unfortunately I'm pretty much allergic doing anything regularly or sticking to any sort of routine so I probably won't. We'll see! 

January was a sort of unexpectedly lovely month. I had very low expectations (I find that helps), but it surpassed them all and we have enjoyed four quiet, gentle weeks with lots of time to ourselves, lots of cooking and resting and reading and cosy wintry evenings by the fire.  

I felt inspired to do some baking, partly because my sister is currently living with us and is a cake maker extraordinaire (sisterly competitiveness), 

We have eaten long leisurely breakfasts and drunk many many cups of tea (dry January required it!)

The house has been bedecked in tulips and hyacinths, much needed reminders that Spring is on its way and that light and colour are not so far off. 

I went a bit gaga for seasonal fruit and went on mad hunts for lychees and Seville oranges (and then took photos of them, natch). 

We ventured out into the East End and had a leisurely lunch and and a wander, stopping at Pitfield for a mosey. 

 And I have fallen in love with our local park all over again. 

Even a ten minute walk or jog around it makes me feel better and more connected to what's going on outside. Each week the colours are slightly different, the light casts different shadows, the plants at a different stage, something new has happened, something is emerging or fading away. 

I hope you liked that little round-up! February is set to be a busy month. I will have to make an effort to find time for reading and crafting and plenty of sleep. But for now, I'm off to make pancakes and wait for R to come home. I hope you're all busy and happily flipping and gobbling! x

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