I hope you won't mind if I share a few more photos of our trip to Skye. Almost a month on and I am still thinking about this beautiful place, and trying to find a opportunity to return soon!
After our disastrous first attempt to walk The Quairang on Dad's birthday we were still determined to conquer it so we set off again the next day in glorious sunshine, stopping briefly to gaze upon the views again....
I could have watched the grass swaying in the sun for hours, casting moving shadows across the ground, catching fragments of glinting, glistening light.
We spotted some sun-soaked ponies, munching on a late breakfast.
We also made a pit stop at the wonderful Skye Skyns to hear about the art of sheepskin production and to peruse their beautiful fluffy wares.
With our wallets quite significantly lighter (oops), we headed on towards the Quairang, taking the mountain road and journeying into falling mist.
We bundled ourselves up and trudged into the mist, raising our eyes to the sky and to the majesty around us.
It was truly spectacular. The mist rose and everywhere we looked there was something incredible, some new view to take our breath away.
The colours were so so lovely, both subtle and muted but intense at the same time, luminous and almost glowing in the rarefied light.
The mist hung around the tops of the pinnacle, giving everything an eerie, magical feeling. We could understand why they chose to film Macbeth here recently.
Soon we came face to face with the part of the ridge known as the Prison towering above us, outlined blackly against the sky, dark and imposing and looking exactly like an ancient prison.
At its foot was evidence of landslide. The Quairang still moves every year and the road below has to be repaired regularly.
This was the view from the other side of the Prison - incredible!
Our plan was to climb up past the Needle to see the Table beyond but as we neared the peak, the rain started to come down along with heavy hailstones and visibility was really poor. We scrambled part of the way up but it got a bit scary so we retreated.
On the way back the light shone out in the distance, leading us out of the rain and the shadow of the Quairang. We got back to the car soaking wet, muddy and tired but utterly exhilarated.
Home for hot baths, homemade curry, drying boots by the fire and gloves on the radiators. For long sleeps with the wind howling outside.
The next morning called for an early start as we had a long drive back to Inverness to catch our flight. I took a few pictures before we left as the light was so beautiful.
The drive took us past lochs and forests, we spotted deer and funny curly horned sheep, and glowering snow capped peaks in the distance.
We flew home with memories of all we had seen, an enduring sense of beauty and plans to return to explore more and see more of this wonderful island.
Hello Mary! I had meant to get over here a few days ago but it never quite happened and then I realized that I had missed several posts :-( I hope you don't mind if I comment on all of them here. Anyway, your posts are absolutely beautiful from your styling at home to your gorgeous atmospheric travel photos and I have really enjoyed reading them all and swooning over the stunning photos. I loved the misty walk around Otford in Kent and the photos of the cute farm animals and...oh goodness those photos of Skye - just breathtaking. I have never visited but it is definitely on the list. The cottage you stayed in, Claigan beach and the views from the Prison were stunning. You must have had such a wonderful time! Thank you for sharing and I will check to make sure I subscribed so I don't miss any more!
ReplyDelete- Kate
Hi Kate! Thank you so much for your lovely comments - it makes me so happy that you enjoy my posts! You're very kind and it makes it so much more pleasurable sharing stuff when I know that people are enjoying it, so thank you! Skye was a wonderful place, so effortlessly beautiful if you know what I mean! If you get a chance you should definitely visit, but give yourself longer than 4 days as there is alot to see! Mary xxx