Sunday, 20 December 2015


A couple of weekends ago we went to Edinburgh for the wedding of two dear friends. The weather was atrocious but that didn't stop us from spending a lovely couple of days getting to know the city a little better and discovering some treasures, as well as attending a brilliant wedding complete with ceilidh!

We travelled up on the train on Friday night and stayed in a very spacious and comfortable airbnb apartment near the city centre with our friends Jak and D. 

I love waking up in a new place - it always feels exciting, and there is something about sleeping away from home that means I actually switch off and sleep really deeply rather than thinking about all of the things I've got to do (maybe that's just me!) 

We spent a leisurely couple of hours getting ready and crossed our fingers that the rain would clear a bit. 

R wore his tweed tie which was perfect! I had a bit of a whattowear crisis leading up to the wedding, eventually bought a backless dress and then freaked out about no bra and cold weather (you get me), but I think it was ok....!

Wedding jewellery!

The ceremony was at George Heriot's school, in the candlelit chapel, which felt very special, quiet and intimate, with the wind howling outside and two people pledging themselves to one another within.

Obviously I cried as soon as I saw the bride (every time). 

We threw confetti to a string symphony of Beyonce and Bruce Springsteen. Excellent.

Jeez it was cold! Even after a couple of glasses of fizz!

We loved these M&Ms that one of the bridesmaids had made with a photo of the bride and groom printed on them. 

And then the ceilidh which was unexpectedly excellent and exhausting, and which brought back memories of village halls of my childhood!

On Sunday morning the weather was even more appalling (actual horizontal rain) so we sought refuge in Peter's Yard, thanks to the brilliant recommendation of Tilly (tending to vanish) via Instagram. 

The most incredible cinnamon buns this side of Copenhagen. 

Restored and full of coffee and buns we headed back out and spent a peaceful couple of hours mooching around the National Museum of Scotland which is housed in the most incredible vaulted building - I had no idea! It was like being in a giant cruise liner!

We headed straight for natural history.....

But I also wandered around a beautiful silverwork exhibition where there were some seriously incredible things on display. Having just done a beginners' class in silver jewellery making, I was completely in awe. 

When we emerged the skies had cleared and there was even a tiny glimmer of sunlight!

We ate a late lunch at The Gardener's Cottage in a sweet little house that actually used to be the gardener's cottage, and which grows its produce in two abundant vegetable patches in the front garden. 

This shelf of bottles greeted us as we went in through the front door - it was a good sign. 

Long trestle tables, simple decor, Neil Young playing on an old record player, quiet chatter and the warmth of a family kitchen. 

The food was simple and seasonal but somehow delicate and special too. 

They had excellent lights.

And bunches of dried herbs hanging from the ceiling. Obviously this made me very happy. 

After a very leisurely lunch during which we ate and drank far too much (how does that always happen?) we made our way slowly back to the station to get our train home. The most beautiful evening sky greeted us.

The perfect end to the weekend. And the loveliest of images to remember Edinburgh by. 

(And I had the most brilliant sleep on the train back to London!)

1 comment:

  1. Such a great post and photos of your trip to Edinburgh! The wedding looked lovely, did they call the dances for the ceilidh? I remember my first ceilidh, everyone else new the dances there was no calling like I was used to with a barn dance, so we had no idea what we were up to! Glad you enjoyed Peter's Yard, I didn't know about The Gardener's Cottage - looking forward to going for a visit there! Tilly x
