Wednesday 7 October 2015

an important anniversary

Not ours! A kitty anniversary - one year since they came to live with us! We don't know their real birthday, since they came to us when they were already about 2 years old, so we made the date we adopted them their kitty- birthday. 

They loved the toys I made them for Christmas but I didn't have time to make mice again so I made little rag tassels from some scraps of fabric I had leftover from the wedding. I tied the tassels to little bamboo sticks with wool. Bobby was very interested!

Bobby has a real passion for string. I don't think he really cared about the tassel! He's also very partial to wool and twine.

Brucie seems to understand the concept a bit better, and has been dragging his stick and tassel around for the last week, in the hope that we will play with him.  

They had a special birthday tea of tinned tuna (their absolute favourite).

I know celebrating a kitty birthday is silly and we are very indulgent cat parents (the type I swore I would never become). I'm sure I will look back on this post in a few years' time and wonder how on earth I had time to make cat presents(!) but these two little naughties give us such a lot of pleasure everyday, and we're so happy we adopted them. 

And did they appreciate the love and effort we put into their birthday? Well of course not. 

Happy birthday Bob-bob and Brucie!

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